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edgedb instance

The edgedb instance group of commands contains all sorts of tools for managing EdgeDB instances.

Most commands in the edgedb instance command group are not intended to manage self-hosted instances. See individual commands for more details.

edgedb instance create

Initialize a new server instance

edgedb instance credentials

Display instance credentials

edgedb instance destroy

Destroy a server instance and remove the data stored

edgedb instance link

Link a remote instance

edgedb instance list

Show all instances

edgedb instance logs

Show logs of an instance

edgedb instance start

Start an instance

edgedb instance status

Show statuses of all or of a matching instance

edgedb instance stop

Stop an instance

edgedb instance reset-password

Reset password for a user in the instance

edgedb instance restart

Restart an instance

edgedb instance revert

Revert a major instance upgrade

edgedb instance unlink

Unlink a remote instance

edgedb instance upgrade

Upgrade installations and instances