September 10, 2024

Dev Report

Welcome to EdgeDB Dev Report – bi-weekly or so updates about the latest in EdgeDB development. Here’s some bites for you:

  • Scott is working on speccing and implementing a new std::net:: module to bring HTTP requests and 🪝 Webhooks to EdgeDB.

  • Dijana is about to complete a “mini-StackOverflow” section of our Documentation, fed by questions you ask on our 💬 Discord.

  • Matt is rewriting our EdgeDB <> PostgreSQL communication in 🦀 Rust. Just recently he RIIR’ed our backend connection pool and we’re about to make the new pool the default.

  • Aleksandra is creating a swath of new project templates for Next.js and EdgeDB. From time to time we find her reading the Replicache docs for no apparent reason 😉.

  • Sully is putting last finishing touches on the new “in-place upgrades” feature of EdgeDB 6. So you can update your database server version without running full dump/restore (for some reason our users want that 🤯.)

  • Aljaz is close to finalizing his epic project on implementing write SQL support in EdgeDB. He’s currently busy enabling 🔐 access policies for SQL queries.

  • Roman has started designing a website for a new secret project. Completely out of the blue he’s researching molecular properties of gels and liquid metals 🔬.

  • Zack, Elvis, and the cloud team are keeping our Cloud running and working on improving our infra. BTW, we’re looking for experienced SREs and Cloud Engineers 👷‍♀️, drop us a line.

  • James was last seen adding major new UI features 🫡 for EdgeDB and the Cloud.

  • Victor is wrapping up his work on bringing 📍 PostGIS to EdgeDB 6.

August 23, 2024

New in Cloud: branch graph, updated billing page, and instance renames

New branch graph, updated billing page, and instance renames

We’ve recently added a bunch of updates to EdgeDB Cloud, including these few highlights:

  • A new branch graph that lets you visualise your database branches, just like Git, and allows you to easily navigate the migration history of any branch. If you have the GitHub integration installed, we now also show you which of your database branches are automatically mirroring your branches in GitHub, showing you their sync status, and letting you jump straight to the associated PR.

  • An updated billing page with an improved upcoming invoice section, which now gives a fine-grained breakdown of your current and estimated usage and costs for the month.

  • Don’t like the name of your cloud instance? You can now rename instances from the instance dashboard.

  • The secret keys page has received a bit of a redesign to make it easier for you to manage your personal secret keys, logged in web and CLI sessions, and secret keys being used by installed integrations.

There have also been many other small bug fixes, and we’ve given some pages a fresh coat of paint to make everything a little more consistent.

April 26, 2024

Launch week day 5: Vercel + EdgeDB

Today we’re excited to announce an EdgeDB Cloud + Vercel Integration and our first ever Hackathon! Read more here.

April 25, 2024

Launch week day 3: Passwordless Auth

In EdgeDB 5, EdgeDB Auth gains a couple of passwordless providers — WebAuthn and Magic Links — as well as some new OAuth providers — Slack and Discord. Read more here!

April 24, 2024

Launch week day 4: Introducing ext::ai

In EdgeDB 5, the new ext::ai extension automates embeddings generation and has native integration with OpenAI, Anthropic, and Mistral. Read more here!

April 23, 2024

Launch week day 2: Introducing branches

With EdgeDB v5, we’re rethinking the concept of a “database” within a database server (goodbye ’70s!) to a “branch.” This change not only simplifies our vocabulary but also shifts our mindset, opening up a host of possibilities for the tools we can now build. Read more in the announcement blog post!

April 22, 2024

Launch week day 1: EdgeDB Cloud free tier

We’re thrilled to announce the general availability of the EdgeDB Cloud Free Tier. This marks a significant step forward in making EdgeDB more accessible and competitive. But what really sets EdgeDB Cloud apart? Read the announcement blog post for details and a bit of benchmarking!

April 10, 2024

Simplify EdgeDB CLI in JavaScript Projects

Many parts of the EdgeDB workflow involve using our CLI, and installing the CLI is the very first step in starting to use EdgeDB. Today, we’re making it easier than ever to install and invoke the EdgeDB CLI for JavaScript projects.

We now provide a wrapper script as a bin entry in our JavaScript package published to npm. This wrapper will:

  1. Install the CLI if it’s not already installed

  2. Invoke the CLI with the arguments you pass to it

This approach eliminates the need to manually set up your PATH after installation and can simplify CI/CD workflows.

Here’s how to use it:

npx edgedb project init
# or with yarn
yarn edgedb project init
# or with pnpm
pnpm exec edgedb project init

Additionally, if you have scripts defined in your package.json, any invocation of edgedb will be forwarded to the wrapper script, which will install and/or call the CLI for you.

For example, you might have defined a migrate run-script that runs the code generator after migrating your database:

  "scripts": {
    "generate:querybuilder": "generate edgeql-js",
    "generate:interfaces": "generate interfaces",
    "generate:queries": "generate queries",
    "generate:all": "$npm_execpath generate:querybuilder && $npm_execpath generate:interfaces && $npm_execpath generate:queries",
    "migrate": "edgedb migrate && $npm_execpath generate:all"

Running this migrate run-script with your package manager’s script runner will now invoke this wrapper script.

January 22, 2024

Launching EdgeDB Cloud EU region

We’re launching the EdgeDB Cloud EU region.

November 01, 2023

Introducing Cloud and EdgeDB 4.0

Today we are announcing EdgeDB 4.0 and launching our Cloud product.

We’re kicking off this launch with a keynote presentation. Alongside discussing EdgeDB 4.0 and the Cloud, we’ve invited four amazing engineers and founders to share their stories about building real-world products with EdgeDB.

Read more in the announcement blog post!

June 22, 2023

EdgeDB 3.0

We’re thrilled to announce EdgeDB 3.0, a release that comes loaded with new features and improvements:

  • A simplification of EdgeDB Schema language.

  • Triggers and mutation rewrites.

  • UI gains a new Web REPL and a visual query builder.

  • EdgeQL gets a new analyze command, splats, nested modules, new set operators, and more.

  • edgedb watch command to simplify schema prototyping.

  • ext::pgvector for embeddings.

  • SQL in read-only mode.

  • Native Java and Elixir clients.

Read more in the announcement blog post!

November 07, 2022

Series A

We are excited to announce that EdgeDB has raised a $15m Series A financing round! Continue reading to learn what this means for the product and the team behind it.

July 28, 2022

EdgeDB 2.0

Today, just under 6 months after the release of 1.0 🏁, we’re excited to announce EdgeDB 2.0.

This release brings a slew of new features, including:

  • a built-in admin UI;

  • a top-level GROUP statement in EdgeQL;

  • object-level security;

  • range types;

  • an official Rust client library (at long last!)

  • …and a lot more.

Read our announcement blog post for more details and the HN discussion.

March 29, 2022


We are open-sourcing a new benchmarking rig called IMDBench. The goal is to evaluate the performance of major ORM libraries with realistic queries that would be required for a hypothetical IMDB-style movie database application.

Read our announcement blog post.

February 10, 2022

EdgeDB 1.0

Today, after several years of building (and a long list of prereleases) we are extremely proud to announce the release of EdgeDB 1.0, the first open source, graph-relational database! 🎊

Read our announcement blog post and the HN discussion.