February 25, 2021

EdgeDB 1.0 Beta 1 “Sirius”

Nearly two years after releasing 1.0 Alpha 1, and after seven alpha releases, we are ready to bring EdgeDB to the public beta phase!

This means that as of now, we will make every effort to keep the public-facing APIs backwards compatible. This includes EdgeQL, our standard library, schema definition language, official database clients’ APIs, even CLI commands and their options. Most importantly, EdgeDB’s dumps made today will be restorable in future versions of the database.

This release completes a set of features we feel are crucial for a well-rounded 1.0 product, and we invite early adopters to try it out. On our end, we’re spending the next few months on getting EdgeDB ready for the first stable release. Entering Beta means we won’t be adding new features until the release of 1.0 final.

You can download 1.0b1 in a number of ways or try it out in our interactive tutorial without the need to install anything.

What’s EdgeDB

EdgeDB is an advanced open source relational database built on top of PostgreSQL which aims to change the game in terms of data layer usability and performance.

It combines an expressive object-oriented data model with a composable query language based on set logic, making complex data schemas easy to express, populate, and query. The query system’s explicit goal is to address shortcomings of SQL.

As a database designed for the long haul, EdgeDB allows for your data to evolve along with changing business needs, by providing built-in support for schema migrations. It’s also developed in the open and under the permissive Apache license.

EdgeDB’s performance focus is embodied in its carefully designed first-party database clients (currently available for JavaScript, Go, and Python.) The database server itself compiles EdgeQL queries to efficient SQL in ways that outperform many manually written queries.

As a modern database, EdgeDB also provides interoperability with your other services via built-in support for GraphQL, REST, and easy casting from and to JSON while keeping your data strictly typed.

We believe that managing the evolution of your data models is a crucial feature in a modern database product. The alternatives would be either weakly typed schemas or a third-party product. We’re not satisfied with either. The former unnecessarily moves some of the responsibilities of the database into your application code, making data consistency harder and development more error-prone. The latter on the other hand usually ties you to a particular database connection framework in a particular programming language, putting that language in a privileged position. This is suboptimal in today’s environment where very often mobile applications are written in multiple programming languages, a Web front-end can be another, and back-end processing using yet another.

With Beta 1, the migrations functionality we envisioned for EdgeDB is fully realized. While you could start, populate, and commit migrations from EdgeQL directly for a few releases already, now you can fully manage migrations from the CLI, making the workflow even more high-level.

The idea here is to be able to version your schema alongside your source code, possibly as a separate repository that you can link as a submodule in multiple applications that your system consists of. That repository would hold schema files describing migrations between different states of your data model.

As an example, let’s say we start with the following schema for a simple chat app:

module default {
    type User {
        required property name -> str;
        required property email -> str;
        required property password_hash -> str;

    type Message {
        required link author -> User;
        required property body -> str;
        required property timestamp -> datetime {
            default := datetime_current()

The migration CLI looks for .esdl files in the dbschema directory by default, so let’s create one and write the above into a dbschema/default.esdl file inside it. Let’s install EdgeDB server and then create a new database instance for our chat app:

$ edgedb instance init chatapp

Now, we can create the initial migration to the schema we’ve written above:

$ edgedb -I chatapp migration create
did you create object type 'default::User'? [y,n,l,c,b,s,q,?]

This is new, what do all those possible actions mean? Let’s find out:


y - confirm the prompt, use the DDL statements
n - reject the prompt
l - list the DDL statements associated with prompt
c - list already confirmed EdgeQL statements
b - revert back to previous save point, perhaps previous question
s - stop and save changes (splits migration into multiple)
q - quit without saving changes
h or ? - print help
did you create object type 'default::User'? [y,n,l,c,b,s,q,?]

That’s clear, we did in fact create User. Let’s confirm:

did you create object type 'default::Message'? [y,n,l,c,b,s,q,?]
Created dbschema/migrations/00001.edgeql, id:

This creates the first migration file dbschema/migrations/00001.edgeql. After reviewing it to make sure everything is in order, we can apply the migration with the following command:

$ edgedb -I chatapp migrate
Applied m1ufwaxcqiwcq3ttcujnxv6f3jewhfrywc442z6gjk3sm3e5fgyr4q

In the course of implementing our app we decide to add more features, such as a friends list and multiple chat channels, so we alter our schema to be:

module default {
    type User {
        required property name -> str;
        required property email -> str;
        required property password_hash -> str;

        multi link friends -> User;

    type Message {
        required link author -> User;
        required property body -> str;
        required property timestamp -> datetime {
            default := datetime_current()

        link channel -> Channel;

    type Channel {
        required property title -> str {
            constraint exclusive;
        property description -> str;

And we apply the changes by using migration create and migrate commands again:

$ edgedb -I chatapp migration create
did you create object type 'default::Channel'? [y,n,l,c,b,s,q,?]
did you create link 'channel' of object type 'default::Message'?
did you create link 'friends' of object type 'default::User'?
Created dbschema/migrations/00002.edgeql, id:
$ edgedb -I chatapp migrate
Applied m1kebitqygj3o75wvrnicnpwthinqsofb6hnpbnr7vrtjfynqelmzq

At this point we may want to actually create a default channel “Main” and make the channel link required. So we alter the schema to make the link required and run edgedb migration create again:

$ edgedb -I chatapp migration create
did you make link 'channel' of object type 'default::Message'
required? [y,n,l,c,b,s,q,?]

Indeed we did but for the sake of curiosity let’s list the DDL that the tool is producing for us here:


Following DDL statements will be applied:
ALTER TYPE default::Message {
    ALTER LINK channel {
        SET REQUIRED USING (\(fill_expr));

Interestingly the DDL statement specifies that some expression will have to be provided to backfill data in the database. Let’s see how it deals with this:

did you make link 'channel' of object type 'default::Message'
required? [y,n,l,c,b,s,q,?]
Please specify an expression to populate existing objects in
order to make link 'channel' required:
fill_expr> SELECT Channel FILTER .title = 'Main'
Created dbschema/migrations/00003.edgeql, id:

However, before applying this migration we also add the line INSERT default::Channel {title := 'Main'}; at the beginning of the migration block in the dbschema/migrations/00003.edgeql file to ensure the SELECT above finds the default channel. Now we can actually apply the changes:

$ edgedb -I chatapp migrate
edgedb error: could not read migrations in dbschema/migrations:
could not read migration file dbschema/migrations/00003.edgeql:
migration name should be
`m1fckqi5wqjtgynu77ummambcid3c2xp7wq4piadh5glbxcyxrkkba` but
`m1wk64aoerkmvbdlurcxjxgbgv6c3xmuo3uz7pxc3gauyx4muysg6q` is used
Migration names are computed from the hash of the migration
contents. To proceed you must fix the statement to read as:
  m1fckqi5wqjtgynu77ummambcid3c2xp7wq4piadh5glbxcyxrkkba ONTO ...
if this migration is not applied to any database. Alternatively,
revert the changes to the file.

Uh-oh! The migration failed, but the error message actually explains what happened: the tool discovered we made manual changes to the file. Since this is deliberate, we just need to adjust the migration hash in order to proceed. The tool even supplies us with the new hash. After adjusting the migration file, we can now apply it:

$ edgedb -I chatapp migrate
Applied m1fckqi5wqjtgynu77ummambcid3c2xp7wq4piadh5glbxcyxrkkba

So let’s make a minor tweak by renaming the friends link into circle. After updating our dbschema/default.esdl file we can apply the changes:

$ edgedb -I chatapp migration create
did you rename link 'friends' of object type 'default::User' to
'circle'? [y,n,l,c,b,s,q,?]
Created dbschema/migrations/00004.edgeql, id:

$ edgedb -I chatapp migrate
Applied m1zl4xyherdjfgdefciyvs4sgb4kayfb3exkmp6fgjsxisfa5eeapq

You might be wondering why the tool explicitly confirms each action with you instead of simply creating the DDL statements for you. The answer is two-fold. First off, not all changes between two declarative schemas can be unequivocally translated into DDL statements. And additionally, as you’ve seen already, some migrations require data to be created, mutated, or deleted, sometimes in-between DDL statements.

To demonstrate this challenge, let’s imagine we decided to abstract away the concept of a name and replace the string with a full-blown object that looks like this:

type Name {
    required property first -> str;
    property middle -> str;
    required property last -> str;

With this type in place, we replace the required property name -> str with required link name -> Name and run migration create:

$ edgedb -I chatapp migration create
did you create object type 'default::Name'?
did you drop property 'name' of object type 'default::User'?
did you drop property 'name' of object type 'default::User'?

Oh, the tool cannot continue without dropping the property but this is not what we want. We need to migrate data somehow from the generic string to our new model. Sometimes this might suggest you that the change isn’t so good after all (which it admittedly isn’t in this case!), or it at least points at the fact that we do need to take some additional care migrating data as well. What did we confirm with the tool so far?


Following EdgeQL statements were confirmed:
    CREATE TYPE default::Name {
        CREATE REQUIRED PROPERTY first -> std::str;
        CREATE REQUIRED PROPERTY last -> std::str;
        CREATE PROPERTY middle -> std::str;
did you drop property 'name' of object type 'default::User'?

At this point the wisest course of action is accept the new Name type and create the migration as is:


Created ./migrations/00005.edgeql, id:

Now we can create new Name objects based on the current names and migrate later, before we unceremoniously drop the old property.

The above example shows some of the interactions with the EdgeDB migration management tools. We will keep improving the inference engine that guides the prompts of migration create. However, if the suggestion engine fails to provide a perfect fit, the option of adjusting the migration file is always available.

To read more about how we designed migrations in EdgeDB, go read our open RFC 1000 where this functionality was first discussed. User-facing documentation is available in our docs.

Distributed systems with non-trivial networking topologies are bound to experience failure modes like disconnections, bandwidth bottlenecks or write contention. We decided that robust handling of those occasional but problematic events should be a built-in feature of our first-party database client bindings.

The most important piece of the puzzle here is making sure transactions are dealt with properly. For this purpose, we renamed the transaction() method to raw_transaction() in all bindings to signify it might fail. This is how it looks in JavaScript:

await pool.rawTransaction(tx => {
  let val = await tx.query("...");
  await tx.execute("...", processValue(val));

The Python equivalent is nearly identical:

async with db.raw_transaction() as tx:
    val = await tx.query("...")
    await tx.execute("...", process_value(val))

It doesn’t look like much but the fact that it’s the tx object executing queries, instead of a raw connection, gives us some super powers we can use now to seamlessly reconnect to the database in face of network failures. To use that facility, use “retrying transaction” API instead of “raw transaction”, like this in JavaScript:

await pool.retryingTransaction(tx => {
  let val = await tx.query("...");
  await tx.execute("...", processValue(val));

The Python equivalent looks a little different now due to the nature of the language:

async for tx in db.retrying_transaction():
    async with tx:
        val = await tx.query("...")
        await tx.execute("...", process_value(val))

In both cases this isn’t much code at all but it encapsulates important pieces of behavior:

  • it deals with transient network errors;

  • a transaction is automatically retried on transaction serialization errors due to write contention;

  • app-side code that is volatile might re-run alongside the database retry (see the process_value() in the examples above);

  • the server is able to analyze the queries to ensure that they are safe to be retried.

We believe this sort of API will help to automatically deal with many of the rare and thus overlooked issues in day-to-day database connectivity programming and thus will improve the quality of your applications.

To help our users avoid transaction-related mistakes, we’ve disabled the ability to start and commit transactions via the execute() methods. Instead, the new retrying_transaction() or raw_transaction() constructs are to be used.

A related issue here is to allow the database to come back up from a restart, or to reconnect after a network topology reconfiguration. To deal with that issue, we are now providing a wait_until_available option to all connection APIs.

For example, usage in JavaScript would look like this, the timeout measured in milliseconds:

const conn = await edgedb.connect({
  dsn: "edgedb://edgedb@localhost/",
  waitUntilAvailable: 10000

whereas in Python we use real numbers, measured in seconds:

con = edgedb.connect(

The connect() API is deprecated, and replaced by the createClient() API in our latest bindings, see the RC2 blog post for more details.

This small API addition automatically deals with the following cases:

  • domain name resolution failures;

  • network failures: connection reset, connection aborted, connection refused as those might indicate the server is restarting or not ready yet; and

  • a timeout reached during connection or authentication.

This means that wait_until_available is more than a simple timeout for an individual connection attempt. It’s another case of seamless retries in the face of a failure. We believe this is such an important case that as of now all clients default to a value of 30 seconds for this new connection option.

If you’d like to know more about our motivation and the design of this functionality, you can read our open RFC 1004 where those features were first discussed.

You can now import a pure Go database driver from “github.com/edgedb/edgedb-go” in your Go applications. It doesn’t yet provide all the features of edgedb-python and edgedb-js, but you can already rely on the following:

  • connection pooling;

  • authentication from credential files generated by the edgedb server CLI tool;

  • RawTx and RetryingTx which is equivalents of raw_transaction() and retrying_transaction() described in the section above;

  • mapping native EdgeDB datatypes to Go equivalents, including math/big for BigInts, time.Time for datetimes, and byte array-encoded JSON for sending and receiving data.

Here is a brief example:

opts := edgedb.Options{
    Database: "edgedb",
    User: "edgedb",
    MinConns: 1,
    MaxConns: 4,

ctx := context.Background()
conn, err := edgedb.Connect(ctx, opts)
if err != nil {
defer conn.Close()

var result string
err = conn.QueryOne(ctx, "SELECT 'hello EdgeDB!'", &result)
if err != nil {


This is how you’d insert data into the database:

err = edb.Execute(ctx, `
    INSERT Movie {
            title := 'Blade Runner 2049',
            year := 2017,
            director := (
                    INSERT Person {
                            first_name := 'Denis',
                            last_name := 'Villeneuve',
            actors := {
                    (INSERT Person {
                            first_name := 'Harrison', last_name := 'Ford',
                    (INSERT Person {
                            first_name := 'Ryan', last_name := 'Gosling',
                    (INSERT Person {
                            first_name := 'Ana', last_name := 'de Armas',
if err != nil {

You can get data back as structs by passing an appropriate struct reference to Query:

var out []Movie
err = edb.Query(ctx, `
    SELECT Movie {
            director: { first_name, last_name },
            actors: { first_name, last_name }
if err != nil {

given a Movie and Person structs like:

type Person struct {
    ID        UUID   `edgedb:"id"`
    FirstName string `edgedb:"first_name"`
    LastName  string `edgedb:"last_name"`

type Movie struct {
    ID       UUID     `edgedb:"id"`
    Title    string   `edgedb:"title"`
    Year     int64    `edgedb:"year"`
    Director Person   `edgedb:"director"`
    Actors   []Person `edgedb:"actors"`

EdgeDB’s main data transfer protocol is binary, which provides the best efficiency when maintaining a stateful connection between the client and the server. EdgeDB also includes support for stateless HTTP requests, most notably used in our GraphQL endpoint. Prior to this release, a separately configured network port was required to expose EdgeQL or GraphQL over HTTP. This design posed deployment challenges so now we have changed it: the client now always connects to the primary EdgeDB network port and the necessary protocol is determined during the handshake. For HTTP the “handshake” is simply a well-formed HTTP request.

This makes database deployments easier as a single networking port can be used for specifying firewall rules, setting up monitoring and service health checks. Most importantly, users can now use the same connection options for applications using the binary protocol, as well as HTTP, including GraphQL.

HTTP allows use of EdgeDB in situations where there is no client of the binary protocol available, or it is inconvenient to use because of its long-running stateful connection nature. One caveat of HTTP is that due to its stateless nature it does not support database transactions. Each request needs to be atomic. Fortunately, EdgeQL allows complex queries and mutations sent as a single statement, and expression aliases and user-defined functions further enhance the expressive power.

These alternative query protocols as other future extended EdgeDB functionality is now packaged and declared as an extension and to enable GraphQL functionality for a given database, you only need to add a single line to your schema definition:

uses extension graphql;

followed by the usual edgedb migration create and edgedb migrate, which will enable the GraphQL endpoint at: http://<edgedb_host>:<edgedb_port>/<db_name>/graphql. The bundled GraphiQL UI would become available at http://<edgedb_host>:<edgedb_port>/<db_name>/graphql/explore. See our GraphQL docs for more details on GraphQL support in EdgeDB.

EdgeDB Beta 1 is a significant milestone in our journey to build the next generation of database productivity. We are proud and excited to have reached the Beta phase, and there is much more to come.

Download and run EdgeDB locally, or go through our interactive EdgeQL tutorial without the need to install anything.

We welcome new users and are ready to give assistance and debug issues. Feel free to reach out on GitHub Discussions, or ask in a form of a bug report or a feature request.

For future announcements, you can find us on Twitter.