January 20, 2022

EdgeDB RC4: Procyon

EdgeDB’s fourth and final release candidate—codename Procyon—is now available!

This is a (nearly) pure release candidate. Outside of bug fixes and a non-breaking simplification to for loop syntax, no significant changes have been or will be made to EdgeDB before the 1.0 release.

Speaking of which, EdgeDB 1.0 is launching in a livestreamed event on February 10th, 2022! We’ll be dropping the release live on air, followed by a series of lightning talks from the team. Grab a ticket at lu.ma/edgedb.

Previously, the EdgeDB CLI relied on Docker to run local instances on Windows. Since RC3 removed Docker support in favor of portable builds, we temporarily dropped Windows support. Well, it’s back! The CLI now transparently uses Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) under the hood; all documented CLI-based workflows will work out-of-the-box.

Go through our 10-minute Quickstart; it’ll walk you through the process of installing EdgeDB, spinning up an instance, creating/ executing a migration, and running your first query.

If you’re upgrading from RC2 or earlier (including any beta release), upgrading requires a manual dump/restore process. Refer to the RC3 upgrade guide for detailed instructions.

Run edgedb cli upgrade to get the latest version of the CLI. Then upgrade your local instances.

  • For project-linked instances, navigate to the root directory of your project and run edgedb project upgrade --to-latest. This will install the latest version of EdgeDB, upgrade the instance, migrate the data, and update your edgedb.toml.

  • To upgrade an instance that isn’t linked to a project, run edgedb instance upgrade <instance_name> --to-latest.

This is the fourth and final release candidate; the first stable release is launching February 10th, 2022! Register for the live launch event at lu.ma/edgedb to witness the dawn of the post-SQL era!

For a full breakdown of the bug fixes and stability improvements in RC4, check out the full Changelog.

Just getting started with EdgeDB? Check out the following resources.

  • If you’re just starting out, go through 10-minute Quickstart guide.

  • To dig into the EdgeQL query language, try the web-based interactive tutorial — no need to install anything.

  • For an immersive, comprehensive walkthrough of EdgeDB concepts, check out our illustrated e-book Easy EdgeDB. It’s designed to walk a total beginner through EdgeDB, from the basics all the way through advanced concepts.