April 26, 2024

Vercel + EdgeDB: branches workflow and hackathon alert

Today marks the 5th and final day of EdgeDB Launch week. It’s been an exciting week of new product releases and updates. Let’s dive into today’s announcements!

Following our recent announcement of schema and data branches in EdgeDB, which introduces versioning of database schema, we are excited to further extend these capabilities through our integrations with Vercel and GitHub. Let’s dive into how it can simplify your dev workflow!

Let’s say you’re building a new feature for your application. You create a new branch in your GitHub repository to work on the feature. With the EdgeDB + Vercel integration, a new database branch is automatically created in your EdgeDB Cloud instance, allowing you to test new features in isolation without affecting the main database schema ✨

Branches Workflow with EdgeDB

Let’s take a closer look at how the setup works:

With our GitHub integration, you can work on different features with separate schemas without affecting the main database. This isolation ensures that experimental changes do not disrupt the overall functionality of your application, providing a robust environment for testing and development.

When you link an EdgeDB Cloud instance to a GitHub repository, a new branch in your GitHub repo automatically triggers the creation of a corresponding database branch in your EdgeDB instance. This branch’s schema stays synchronized with your migrations as you push changes to your GitHub branch.

EdgeDB Bot

By integrating EdgeDB Cloud instances with your Vercel projects, we simplify the management of environment variables and enhance security. Once you link your Vercel projects to an EdgeDB instance, EDGEDB_INSTANCE and EDGEDB_SECRET_KEY environment variables are automatically managed for you. This setup allows EdgeDB client libraries to securely connect to your EdgeDB Cloud instances, removing the hassle of manual configuration.

Automated environment setup allows you to focus more on coding and less on configuration tasks. This speeds up the development process and ensures that your database connections are secure without additional effort.

When a new branch is created in GitHub, EdgeDB creates a new database branch and sets the EDGEDB_BRANCH environment variable in Vercel for the preview deployments. This ensures that the preview deployments connect to the correct database branch, aligning with the specific feature you are developing in that branch.

Environment Variables

Check out EdgeDB on Vercel’s integration marketplace.

EdgeDB, integrated with Vercel and GitHub, automates tedious tasks, enhances security, and boosts productivity. It’s a must-have for developers who want to streamline their workflow and build faster, more secure, and more scalable applications.

But… that’s not all! We have one more exciting announcement to share with you.

We are thrilled to announce the EdgeDB Hackathon! This event is for developers of all skill levels to create, learn, and connect.

A screenshot of https://hackathon.edgedb.com.

The hackathon will be judged by Guillermo Rauch (Vercel, CEO), Theo Browne (T3, CEO), and Christine Yen (Honeycomb.io, CEO). Prizes range from $1,000 USD to $5,000. You’ll have one month starting from April 26 to May 26, 2024 to build and submit an app.

If you run into any questions or need a hand with your project, don’t worry! Join us on Discord. We have a dedicated #hackathon channel where you can get support, ask questions, and interact with other participants and our team.

Check out the hackathon website for more details and to register. We can’t wait to see what you build! 🚀

That’s a wrap for today’s announcements. We hope you’re as excited as we are about the new EdgeDB + Vercel integration and the upcoming hackathon. Stay tuned for more updates and resources to help you get started with EdgeDB.

We’re hosting an office hours session early next week to answer any questions you may have about EdgeDB. Be sure to join us and bring your questions!

Office Hours with EdgeDB

P.S. If you missed any of the announcements this week, here’s a quick recap:

  • Day 1: EdgeDB Cloud Free Tier is now generally available 🎉 We’ve also expanded our IMDBench suite to include real-time tests against leading cloud services. See how we stack up in perf metrics against other popular databases. Spoiler: EdgeDB leads the pack! 👀

  • Day 2: Introducing EdgeDB Schema and Data Branches 🌿 We’ve reimagined the concept of a “database” within a server to a “branch,” streamlining vocabulary and expanding possibilities. Managing branches is now a breeze with the EdgeDB CLI. Create, switch, and manage your database branches with straightforward commands.

  • Day 3: EdgeDB Auth updates and new providers support 🛡️ EdgeDB 5.0 introduces WebAuthn and Magic Links. WebAuthn leverages public-key cryptography for secure browser/device authentication. Magic Links? No passwords, just a unique login token sent via email. We also now support Slack and Discord authentication in EdgeDB 5.0.

  • Day 4: ext::ai extension for AI-powered applications 🤖 The EdgeDB 5 extension ext::ai makes it possible to create AI-enabled apps in just minutes! Indexing and searching content using semantic similarity is now as simple as declaring an index on a text property. No more fiddling with embeddings!

  • Day 5: well, that’s today! 😉

Thank you for joining us this week for EdgeDB Launch. We appreciate your support and feedback. We can’t wait to see what you build with EdgeDB!

Until next time! 🚀